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The architecture of Dubai from desert shacks to a metropolis in 50 years!

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The history of the UAE goes back more than 5 thousand years. However, it is only in the last half century that the Emirate of Dubai has transformed from a poor town into a modern desert metropolis. Of course, the main impetus for the development of the state was the presence of oil fields, but experts note that Dubai’s economy is not rich in oil alone. Today this city is becoming a center of tourism and trade.

Бурдж халифа и поющие фонтаны Дубаи

Ancient history

The first tribes settled on the territory of the modern city more than 5 thousand years ago. Himself the city was founded in 1833, it was a small settlementwhere mostly poor people lived. They made money only by mining and selling pearls. Over the past half century, the capital of the Emirates has changed beyond recognition.

Дубаи в 60х годах ХХ века

At the end of the 19th century, Japanese scientists were able to create technology for the artificial cultivation of pearls, which became a source of enrichment for many countries. It was during these years that a large port was created, capable of receiving ships from all over the world. Throughout the century, the port developed and was able to reach unprecedented sizes, which led to the economic growth of Dubai.

Modern history

Even despite the constant hostilities with Abu Dhabi, the rulers of the UAE managed to properly build re-exports and establish trade routes. The economic surge occurred in the 60s of the last century. At one point, huge deposits of natural oil were found on the territory of the state.. After the start of mining, the city began to transform before our eyes. The extraction of black gold brought not only money, but also labor and large investments in the development of Dubai. The population began to get richer, the amount of money grew every year.

Start of growth

Oil production occurred in 1966, but the fields were not large enough to provide the country with dollars. The government of the country carried out a unique economic reformaimed at generating additional income from other sources. Representatives of global economic companies begin to enter the city. In 1986, the World Trade Center was formed in a free economic zone.

A huge commercial port was built, which over time turned into a global transport hub. Thousands of ships visit there every year, the state treasury began to replenish at a tremendous pace. Today Dubai is more dependent on re-exports than on oil production.

Один из терминалов аэропорта Дубаи

In addition to the commercial port, an international airport was created in 1971. Emirates, which today is one of the leaders in air transportation, entered the world stage for the first time. Over the past half century, the airport has been completely rebuilt, and now it rightfully has the title of a world air harbor. According to official data, more than 88 million people pass through the airport annually.

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